Sunday, September 26, 2010

Can Money Really Buy You Happiness?

Can Money Really Buy You Happiness?

Everybody's heard the age-old grandmotherly advice "money can't buy you happiness". Most of us accept it with a numb nod and carry on with our day. That kind of advice is heard so often it becomes nothing more than background noise, like putting your ear to a sea shell or the inane droning of a whiny child.

In some cases, money can bring you nothing but trouble. Take some lottery winners, for example. Your identity and winnings is announced to the world and quickly you find you have more friends than you ever had before. And why do all these friends (and family you haven't seen for years) come out of the wood work? In a simple word, greed. The lottery winner is overwhelmed and life becomes hell of people begging for a piece of your pie like a dog begging for scraps at the dinner table.

So too are those lottery winners who have no concept of money whatsoever. These people buy mansions, Ferrari's and every toy they can get their hands on and are broke and jobless only a few years later.

But what about those with restraint? Those who are smart, not hasty or impulsive, who are good planners?

It is no secret that a huge point of contention in relationships. Why is the electricity bill so high? Where are we going to get money to pay for the braces little Billy needs? All too often the money ends before the month does and leaves us with a hopeless, gnawing feeling in our guts.

So that begs the question - does money really buy happiness? A quick answer is no. Money by itself cannot bring happiness. In some cases it can bring dispar and unease. A better statement would be "Money CAN buy happiness". Imagine having a large sum of money and being smart about it. Living an elevated lifestyle within your means. Never having to worry about not being able to pay a bill again, being able to have fun, travel, and do the things you wanted to do without being tied to an inane job for the rest of your life.

So yes, money can buy you happiness, or at least it can help with that goal, if you do it right

I do agree to the author of this articles " money can buy happiness.. if you do it right".

There must be a right way to use money that this money will bring us happiness. Sometimes we thought of many things as an exchange of money but will lead us to misery, because it does not serve the purpose. I think the authors wants to bring us that money has to serve us to our basic demands and serve others too.

And that's why I'm Dreaming of a Dollar. I want to do it right.

I'm just a regular guy with a regular day job and a regular family dreaming for something a bit bigger. Check me out at and help one guys dream come true - and live through him.

Article Source:

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Different Methods to Making a Successful Blog


First off, you need to define what successful is to you because different people have different understanding about what that word means. Could a success to you means getting lots of blog comments? How about getting a lot of visitors? Maybe it is getting the top three ranking on the search engines result pages?

One you have clearly defines what success means, you can now work to achieve it. You need to keep in mind the fact that different objectives call for unique ways to get to them.

Perhaps we will take an example of getting a lot of visitors as successful.

How do you attract thousands of people to come to your blog?

You can use proven traffic generating methods, which largely divided into two: free and paid methods.

What are some of free traffic generation methods?

1) Article marketing. You can use your blog post as your article idea. Once you have written an article or a few, you want to submit them to free article directories. You will get visitors from the search engines and from directory visitors as well. Such traffic is good for a long period of time.

2) Blog commenting. What you essentially do is to go out and search for blogs in similar niche or topic. You can use free blog search function provided by search engines and some other services. Just make sure you leave useful, genuine comment and not a blatant promotion to your own blog.

3) RSS submission. There are services that can do this for you and there is software too. You want to carefully evaluate the effectiveness of both and decide which suits you best. The most important thing is not in choosing but in actual submitting because that is the only way to benefit largely from this exercise.

4) Guest posting. By associating your blog with a more reputable blog, the chance for a certain amount of its attention spill over to yours is highly likely. But it will take time, not to get the traffic but to get invited as a guest.

Want to know more about this topic? Here is a free resource where you can get all the juicy details: free blogging tips

Article Source:

PS.Nezrul Hisyam Abdul Ghani article is very helpful for us bloggers.This is beneficial for us to have more traffic and eventually become known by many.

Friday, August 20, 2010

5 Reasons Why Blogging Makes So Much Sense in Regard to Easily Making Money Online

Blogging is a great marketing strategy to use, especially for the internet marketer attempting to make money on line with no experience. But blogging is also a great marketing strategy to use for the seasoned marketer.
Blog marketing is often referred to as ones "nerve center" or "central hub center." It allows for a much more personal form of communication for the online marketer.
Here is 5 reasons why blogging is a useful strategy for the internet marketer:
*Hosting, which one must have, in order to have a blog platform, is little or no cost at all.
*Blogging is fast. You can save time and be up and running in short order. One does not need a well developer to develop one site.
*Save money and look professional. Blogging templates come with the blogging platform---no need for a web designer.
*They are extremely versatile and can be used for almost any purpose. It's versatility allows for interaction of owner of the site and visitors.
*One of the greatest benefits of a blogging platform is that it can be published in multiple forms. In its data base you can easily add the video, audio, graphics, photos RSS feed, PDF files, and so on. Even better, blogging can be viewed on multiple portable devices such as cell phones, iPods, MP3 players and the like.
Finally for the online marketer wishing to promote his product or business opportunity in his quest to make money online easily, the blogging platform with all its versatility and affordability, will aide in accomplishing one's marketing strategy.
If you would like to learn of a passive,secretive, easy method to make money on-line and to download a FREE report with "Goodies" valued up to 197.00, Go To http://wendellreviews.comttp://

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Benefits of Updating Blog Contents Regularly

Is it necessary to change the blog content frequently? Experienced online business people know the importance of blog contents. Blog contents are changed frequently by some and others keep it as it is for many months. Some business people change the contents daily or weekly. The secret behind this change is nothing but to drive traffic to their sites and get top ranking in the search engine optimization.
Simply changing the content without providing necessary information to the visitors will not act in favor of your business. You should always insert new and fresh contents in order to increase the interest of the audience. When you provide unique and top notch information every week, then definitely the same set of audience will visit your site to know more. Here are some of the advantages in changing the contents frequently.
* Drive traffic - Search engines highlight the websites based on the blog contents. When there are more contents with the same keyword, only the site that has fresh content will get the top rank. So, if you want to improve your search engine rank, then it is high time to change the blog contents frequently.
* Update information - Fresh contents are essential if you want to convey the current and on going information to the audience. Whatever may be your business, the visitors should be given the latest information. People will not show interest to read the same contents every day and every week. After a few visits they get bored and start switching over to other sites.
* Grab more audience - When the customers believe that your blog content is always new and informative, they will start visiting your website frequently. Some new business people just copy and paste the contents from other popular sites or just rewrite the same content. This cheap action will not benefit your business in any way. If you are not professionally talented to write blog contents, then you can approach the writers who can provide you the unique contents. Also, with new blog content you can grab more audience apart from the existing audience or customers.
Blogging is not limited to one type. Some bloggers write about politics, news, home decoration and personal computers. But, people who are specifically targeting a single business will focus on a single topic. If you are writing blogs on several topics then you need to do some research before choosing the topic. You can also find out the interest of the readers to know the type of blogging they are interested.
Mike Gate is an online marketer. He has a deep knowledge in SEO, Article Marketing and in PPC. He uses and recommend HostGator to host web sites. You can visit his web site to get HostGator coupons.
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Changing and updating blog contents is not only beneficial to bloggers but also to the readers. And this article gives us an idea what to do as bloggers. It challenge me to take time to update to drive more traffic.

Sunday, August 1, 2010

How to Use Facebook Mobile

Do you know how to use Facebook mobile? If you just want to read your friends' status updates, all you really need to do is log in to the mobile version of Facebook on your cell phone. To do this, go tottp:// and use your regular user name and password to log in. This version doesn't have as many features as the standard site, but you will still be able to keep up with what your friends are doing.

Are you ready to learn how to update your status message using your phone? You can do this user the mobile browser, but there is a much easier way. You can text your status update to Facebook. To do this, send a text message to 32665 that starts with the @ symbol. For example, you could update your status to "is at Kelly's party" by texting "@ is at Kelly's party" to 32665.

Would you like to learn how to post a picture on Facebook from your cell phone? In order to upload a photo from your cell phone, you need to be using either an iPhone or a cell phone with multimedia message service (MMS) capability. If your phone has the capability, you can post a photo by e-mailing it to The first time you do this, you will receive a text message with a confirmation code. You need to go to the applications menu and click on "mobile" then look for the "uploads" section and find the link to enter the confirmation code. Once you have entered the code, your phone is set up to upload photos and you won't need to enter it again.

Is there anything else you'd like to do from your cell phone? Now that you know how to update your status message and upload photos, you've pretty much got the basics covered. If you get bored with that, you can learn how to upload videos, search for new friends and check to see what's happening in your groups.

You can do many things under the sun with this new update. This make easy for us to be seen by our friends in facebook away from computers.

James Dempsey is a top internet marketer who works with industry leaders from around the world. He has a passion for helping others achieve their goals, dreams and aspirations. To learn more about James Dempsey and his team of Marketing Mentors meet him at:

Article Source:

Sunday, June 20, 2010

An Interview with Jomar Hilario about the Mysterious World of Internet Marketing

For this issue of WealthStrategies, I thought of interviewing Jomar Hilario, my in-house internet guru. This young guy has been helping me so much in marketing our events and products online, I thought of asking him a few questions so that TrulyRichClub Gold and SuperGold members will get a broad introduction to the mysterious world of internet marketing. Here’s the interview. Enjoy!

Bo: Jom, when and how did you start in Internet Marketing?

Jomar: In 2005, you organized a Jars of Clay (a Christian rock band) Concert at the Araneta Coliseum…

Bo: Yes, I remember. I didn’t know what I was getting into... (laughs)

Jomar: Because I listened exclusively to Contemporary Christian Music, I wanted to help you. So I volunteered to promote it. I used 90% internet marketing, using instinct—and my knowledge of the rock band—to locate where their fans were hiding online. I had only 30 days to do it. I was a total newbie but I hired 10 people—paid them with my own money too—to help me promote online. In this case, my passion for Christian rock music allowed me to use and discover internet marketing. I was doing it without knowing it had a name.

Bo: Thanks for your great help. What would you consider your first biggest sale doing internet marketing?

Jomar: The next big event you organized: Reuben Morgan's Worship Event, also at the Araneta. We sold 2 million pesos worth of ticket sales—promoting an obscure name—in 30 days also. This was, again, 90% internet marketing.

Bo: Who do you consider your mentors and what’s the most important thing you learned from them?

Jomar: You, Bo Sanchez, who introduced me to the most powerful set of mentors I've ever encountered: Jim Rohn, Tony Robbins, Dan Kennedy, Jay Abraham, Maxwell Maltz. I also listen to a lot of Michael Senoff stuff, which I know you also listen too. Most important thing: Business is all about marketing. Without it, nothing gets sold. That's why I concentrate on the endless learning of marketing from the best in the field—worldwide.

Bo: Which books, websites, and other resources do you recommend for beginning Internet marketers?

Jomar: Funny that you'd ask. This piece of advice I've never heard anybody else talk about: To stay up to snuff on what's happening in the Internet world you must be reading: The Google Blog, Blogger Buzz, YouTube Blog, Facebook blog, Mashable, Techcrunch, the Adsense Blog, plus YouTube vidoes on how to use Feedburner and Blogger (for beginners).

Bo: Hmm. That’s a lot of stuff. So instead of just going to Facebook and YouTube, you read their blogs?

Jomar: Yes. And to learn marketing, you'd need traditional books by the masters: Guerilla Marketing Books by Levinson, and Gary Halbert Material, all of Jay Abraham’s sales letters, and finally, just join my online mentoring club:

Bo: I know you bring it all together in your online course. I recommend your course because it is complete, systematized, and 90% cheaper than other similar courses in the market today.

Jomar: For fun, I also recommend the book, 4 Hour Work Week. Of course, Bo Sanchez's 8 Secrets of the Truly Rich and Choose to be Wealthy.

Bo: Mutual Admiration Society. Jom, How much can one expect to earn in internet marketing?

Jomar: This depends on the number of paying clients you have. And your attitude. If you have 100 interested clients in your email list, using Feedburner and a blog, or 100 friends in Facebook, you'll normally get 1 person to buy, online. So if your attitude is "I'll price it low," you can earn $7 per 100 clients. If your attitude is "I'll price it really high so they perceive it as valuable," and you prove it too by mentioning in your website/email WHY it's valuable, you can earn $77 per 100 clients. See how attitude can make a difference?

Bo: But what product will people sell? What are the different ways one can earn money in internet marketing?

Jomar: I recommend three ways. Blogs with advertising, such as Google Adsense. Selling a digital product using a blog. And selling an offline event, product or service, using a blog.

Bo: From your experience, which of these strategies gives the highest chances of succeeding?

Jomar: Blogs plus Advertising is easy. However, "success" is measured by dollars. And the dollars in Blog + Advertising is not that high compared to say, selling an offline coaching program using a blog. And even if you don’t have your own product, you can also earn a lot of money selling other people’s products as an affiliate.

Bo: What are the risks involved in internet marketing?

Jomar: Laziness and Confusion. Laziness, because this is a business where no one will tell you what to do, even if you're already earning. So you may or may not do anything—and hence lose any momentum you may have built earlier. Because you're just lazy and prefer to shoot zombies with plants instead.(Laughs)

Bo: Because you don’t have a boss pressuring you to produce. You need a lot of self-discipline. And confusion?

Jomar: Confusion, because a lot of "Internet Marketers" abound online and most are promising a ton of benefits for their coaching programs and seminars. It's mostly hype that pushes people to buy their products. Most beginners just buy and buy and read a little and get confused. And they waste so much money buying high-priced stuff.

Bo: And what can one do to lessen those risks?

Jomar: To lessen the risks, you need to locate a mentor whom you can trust to hold your hand in building your Internet income machines. I’m offering myself to be that mentor. Unlike these other gurus, I won’t charge people an arm and a leg for my courses. Mind you, I'm as tough as Yoda in mentoring but as simple as Sesame Street in instructing.

Bo: What’s the link if people are interested in your online course on internet marketing?

Jomar: They can just go to

Bo: What would you consider your worst internet marketing and business mistake?

Jomar: Nice question. Creating a sales letter without referring to my KODIGO. Such as my books, Jay Abraham's letters, etc... It resulted in zero sales. Ouch.

Bo: For the beginning Internet Marketer, what advice can you give to get started?

Jomar: My answer is the same for any kind of business. Make sure you know why you're getting into internet marketing. And
what price—money and time—you're willing to pay to get really deep into the rabbit hole. Because somewhere in that journey, is your freedom and abundance of time and finances. But I can only show you the door—you will have to walk through it.

Bo: Jom, are you giving my TrulyRichClub Gold and SuperGold members a special price for your online course?

Jomar: Yes. Just for your TrulyRichClub friends, I’m slashing the price by 50%. But to be fair to everyone, I need to put a time limit to it. After my deadline on June 29, it jumps up to the regular price.

Bo: Thanks Jom. I hope you help more people.

For those of you who want to create a passive income via internet marketing, you can contact Jomar and his online course. Click the link below:

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Going Global: Groupon Buys European Clone Citydeal

Hugely successful group buying website Groupon has acquired a European clone called Citydeal, bumping the billion-dollar company’s number of operating countries from two (just the U.S. and Canada) to 18.

Groupon will apply its own branding to the Citydeal websites at some point in the future, but the company’s blog post says that the transition will take “months.” Users will still need to sign up for a Citydeal account separately to take advantage of deals in the European regions served.

Those regions will include the United Kingdom, Ireland, Germany, France, the Netherlands, Spain, Italy, Switzerland, Austria, Poland, Finland, Denmark, Turkey, Sweden, Norway and Belgium.

Citydeal — which has 600 employees now — was founded by some of the same individuals who started European eBay clone Alando, which was later bought by eBay in an arrangement similar to this one.

Groupon invites its members to buy a product or service from a local business en masse at a greatly reduced price made possible by the sheer volume of opt-ins. It offers a new deal each day, giving users 24 hours to opt-in. The service has proved highly profitable for both Groupon and the businesses that partner with it, as well as a boon for local communities.

For example, a dance studio in Chicago recently sold more than 1,000 four-week classes at less than half the usual price-per-head. The business will benefit greatly, but so will the greater community of dance-related businesses in Chicago, which will grow significantly this year, bringing more money to venues and other studios and events.

By: Samuel Axon