Showing posts with label The Road to Prosperity. Show all posts
Showing posts with label The Road to Prosperity. Show all posts

Monday, July 7, 2014

Can You Become Prosperous without Losing Your Soul?

Many  think  that a person may loose his soul the moment he prosper. Because of that thinking one would prefer to live in poverty but with an  agonizing heart full of resentment, jealousy and envy.  To prosper is a blessing.  God bless us everyday for us to prosper. The Bible tell us that there great men in this world  who were bless financially and materially by God but their soul is intact with God. They use their money and riches for service and for the Glory of  God. The following are rich  and prosperous  people in bible;   Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, David. Solomon, Jehoshaphat, Hezekiah . These people were rich and prosperous but they lived in right relationship with God. They use their riches in service to God and to men.

To prosper without losing the soul need guidance. The guidance comes from the Lord Himself. 
We need some tips also on how to become such from others.

Yesterday, I was blessed meeting with this guy who happened to be the author of the book “The Road to Prosperity" . This book contains 10 Practical tips on how to prosper without losing your soul.  Randy A. Tudy, PhD.,  is good friend of mine who is so generous in sharing his paradigm on how to prosper without  sacrificing  your right relationship with God.