Showing posts with label Coco Sugar. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Coco Sugar. Show all posts

Sunday, August 19, 2012

Additional Money Making to Coco Farmer

Copra was the usual products of coco farmer aside from the known coco wine and vinegar. This time there are new additional alternative products from coconut, the coco syrup and coco sugar. These are all healthy products and potential money maker for coco farmers.  

What is Coco Sugar?
Coconut sugar comes in crystal or granule form, block or liquid. It is essentially a two-step process. It starts with harvesting or "tapping" the blossoms of a coconut tree. Farmers make a cut on the spadix and the sap starts to flow from the cut. The sap is then collected in bamboo containers. The sap collected is then transferred into giant woks and placed over moderate heat to evaporate the moisture content of the sap. The sap is translucent and is about 80% water. As the water evaporates, it starts to transform into a thick syrup-like substance known as a "toddy". From this form, it is further reduced to crystal, block or soft paste form, or it remains in this form. Essentially, coconut sugar's form depends on the moisture content of the toddy 

Alternative medicine considers coco sugar as healthier than refine and brown sugar. Coconut sugar has a high mineral content, being a rich source of potassium, magnesium, zinc, and iron. In addition to this it contains Vitamin B1, B2, B3, and B6. When compared to brown sugar, coconut sugar has 36 times the iron, four times the magnesium, and over 10 times the amount of zinc
Good news to All Coco Farmers